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Sharity v1.03 Release Notes

Note: Some of the links in this file point to online documents which require additional installation.

Table of Contents

  • What is Sharity ?
  • Contact Information
  • Additional Docs & Manuals
  • Installation Information
  • Silicon Graphics Legal Notice

  • What is Sharity ?

    Sharity v1.03 - CIFS (formerly SMB) client.

    Sharity is a client for the CIFS (Common Internet FileSystem) protocol,
    formerly known as SMB (Server Message Block) protocol. This protocol is
    currently used by WindowsNT, Windows95, Windows for Workgroups, OS/2,
    samba and many others. Sharity allows you to mount directories exported by
    those systems as if they were NFS exported.
    Sharity is Free for academic use !
    Please read also the terms and confditions under which 
    this software can be used !
    	Sharithy LICENSING

    Contact Information:

    	Author: Christian Starkjohann

    Sharity 1.03 was packaged for SGI by Chavo Nedev.
    The latest SGI-packaged version of Sharity can be found at

    Additinal Documents from the distribution

    	Sharity - FAQ
    	License Agreement
    	Online Documentation

    Installation Information

    Sharity Subsystems

    Execution only environment. The sharity binaries and tools.*
    User's guides, documentation, and release notes.
    The full original source distribution.

    Installation Method

    All of the subsystems for this product can be installed using IRIX. You do not need to use the miniroot. Refer to the Software Installation Administrator's Guide for complete installation instructions.


    This software is compatible with IRIX v6.2, v6.3, v6.4, v6.5